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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

M&C's Kinda Potato Chips

Kinda Potato Chips
So we don't know what to call these. But the idea was to make potato chips without frying them. And they were great.

1 potato

1. Cut the potato into small slices.
2. Put some tinfoil down on a baking sheet and cover it with olive oil.
3. Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the olive oil
4. Place the potato slivers on the baking sheet. It's OK if they overlap a little. But not too much.
5. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the potato slivers, as well as any other spices you think would add to the taste. We used Paprika, Salt, Ground pepper, and Red pepper. When we tried it again we used Cayenne for extra spice!
6. With the oven at 400, cook for about 25 minutes or until they start looking crispy, but not dark brown and burnt. Keep your eye on them.

This was a great side serving for dinner but could also make a great snack. Even the chips that didn't come out super crispy we liked too. Much healthier than Lays! 

-Mary and Caitlin

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