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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hatching Deviled Eggs

 Hatching Deviled Eggs
Little baby chickens!! Deviled eggs with an Easter twist!

1 dozen boiled eggs
1/2 cup of mayonnaise
1 teaspoon dried mustard
2 teaspoons vinegar

1. After boiled eggs have cooled, peel off the shells. Cut the bottom of the wider end of the egg flat off so it will be able to stand freely. With a paring knife, cut just the outside white part of eggs with a jagged pattern. Be careful not to cut the yolk!
2. Carefully separate the two halves without breaking the yolk. Remove yolk and put into a mixing bowl. Place egg halves on a serving dish. (Do this for every egg.)
3. Mix the yolk with the mayonnaise, dried mustard, and vinegar until perfectly blended and smooth.
4. Spoon the mixture into the bottom (fatter) halves of the egg. Round the yolk so when you put the other half of the egg on top it will show the mixture inside. Place the top on. 

We didn't take the time to do it, but you can also make cute faces on the yolk mixture part using olives and carrot pieces to make your hatching chicks even more fun. These deviled eggs had the perfect amount of spice and had a very smooooooooth texture. What a cute Easter delicacy :)

Happy Easter!
-Mary and Caitlin  

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