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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bunny Butt Cake

 Bunny Butt Cake
This is just so funny.

Box of cake mix (we used Betty Crocker white cake)
1 can of vanilla frosting
1 Fruit Roll Up
2 marshmallows
1/2 bag of coconut (Maybe not even that much)
Green and red/pink food dye
3 oreos
Construction paper

1. In an oven safe mixing bowl, cover with butter or Crisco (non-stick stuff) and coat in flour. Spray 3 regular sized muffin/cupcake pans with cooking spray (you're going to fill 2 cupcakes as well as the cake). Make the cake mix according to the box's instructions but instead of putting in a cake pan, bake in the mixing bowl you're using! It took us more like ~50 minutes rather than the recommended ~47 minutes because the bowl is deep. Before you put the bowl in the oven, fill those two cupcake things 2/3 full. The cupcakes took ~17 minutes.
2. Let everything cool completely before removing from cookware. To remove the cake from the bowl, flip upside down. What was the bottom of the bowl will be the top of your cake. Cut off the uneven bottom (which was at the top of the bowl in the oven) so it can sit easily. Place on your dish. 
3. We wanted a pink bunny. So we scooped aside a small bowl-full of our white frosting to dye. cover the cake in this pink frosting. 
4. Cut the bump off the cupcakes, so the top is flat. You can eat one of these, but save the other! The two cupcake bottoms are going to be the feet. Frost these in the pink and stick to the back of your bunny. The top of one is going to be your bunny's tail! We chose to frost this in white, and then you stick it on bunny's butt!
5. Cut a third off each marshmallow so one side is flat. Frost in the pink and stick onto the tops of the cupcake feet to make bunny's heels.
6. Sprinkle coconut all over the cake (not on the bottom of the feet though). You're going to have to press it in to make it stick in some parts, like the sides. (After this point we refrigerated the cake for the night and took it back out to decorate in the morning. It was nice that the frosting had set, but it doesn't need to be in there for as long as that.)
7. Cut construction paper ears. Cover the ends in seran wrap. Cut slices in the front of the bunny to stick his ears in
8. Take out your Fruit Roll Up and cut 2 big ovals and 6 small circles to make the bottom of your bunny's feet. We used an artist Exacto knife to cut it nicely, but you can use whatever will work! If your frosting is already dry you may need to put a dab of frosting on each circle to act as a glue
9. For decoration, we dyed some coconut green by shaking it in a Ziploc bag with food dye and sprinkled it around the bunny. We also crushed Oreos and sprinkled it around where the bunny would have dug... NOT around its butt (it would look like it pooped) 

No one ate the cake because it was so cute they didn't want to ruin it. But when the guests left we dug in and loved it. I mean it's cake. But it made an adorable decoration! We attached some extra alternate view pictures because it's just so darn cute we thought you'd want to see some more :)

 Happy Easter!
-Mary and Caitlin

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